NGO/GO Sector Consultation Meeting

A consultation meeting was held between the AFET Board and the International NGO/GO (Non-Government/Government Organizations) Sector on April 25, 2007 at Kampai Restaurant.

The purposes of the consultation are:
1. To know each other and the organizations where the sector is represented
2. To introduce AFET, its current Board and Council of Senior Advisers (CSAs)
3. To consult with the sector on the current and proposed plans for 2007
4. To promote membership in the NGO/GO Sector

At the end of the session, the attendees were able:
  • To understand what AFET is.
  • To confirm AFET plans for 2007.
  • To voluntary participate in AFET activities.
  • To become members of AFET.

This consultation meeting is the very first in the AFET history since 2002. Other sectors such as UN, Construction, Services and Religious groups will also be invited to attend the same consultation.

The meeting was well-attended with a total of 19 participants.